Maybe a late-in-life career change is in order?

I’ve found a second movie with John McCain in it. As I reported last month John McCain was in Wedding Crashers. Sunday night I was watching the Dixie Chicks documentary “Shut Up & Sing” (not a bad documentary actually… but I love most documentaries so I don’t know if I’m the best critic) and John McCain was in a scene in which they’re discussing radio programmers boycotting the Chicks. Oddly enough, he sided with them and thus I may have, for a mere second, found him endearing.

Again, if he had only brought out the movie credits in his campaign, I believe he could have garnered a few more votes (or maybe it was tactical with this one since a few Republican voters would have instead voted Democratic because his affiliation with the Dixie Chicks?).


Anonymous said...

I also liked Shut Up & Sing, and I'm no docufan..