I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…

Or not. Because to be honest with you, white stuff or no, I’m finally excited for Christmas. I’d prefer a little of it, but not enough to ruin my travel plans, thank you very much.

But Canada. Oh Canada.

I hear you’ve lived up to your reputation. After months of telling everyone who assumed I lived in some white tundra that it doesn’t snow often in Vancouver the weather gods seem to have pulled a fast one on me.

I’m kinda jealous to tell you the truth. Because although snow sucks when I have places to be and things to do, there is something to be said about a snowy winter day and sitting at home watching it fall.

That and walking down normally busy streets that apparently are deserted.

But your minus 14 degrees… you can keep that.

Keep warm Canada. I’ll try to send warm thoughts your way, seeing that our thermometer hasn’t really dipped below 0 during the day for over a week.

Enough bragging now, I think I’m in for some cold stuff in Berlin.

Crap… by posting this I hope I don’t jinx my travel weather. Damn.


Lauren W said...

do not be jealous - i repeat DO NOT BE JEALOUS... it is gross out (especially now that it is getting all melty and gross) and it is a bastard to travel in (like to get to your cousin's for christmas as an example)...
Oh and you thought translink was abusive at the best of times... well, let me assure you that it is pretty much the biggest arsehole ever when it snows this much...

As I said - no jealousy needed at all.