hey faithful readers...

so I'm trying out something new.

you know those annoying ads you see on every webpage? they sure are pesky.

as you'll notice, I've added them!

here's the deal, I put them here, they get some advertisment based on what I'm writing about (which adds to blog fodder when I can laugh at what they chose to advertise based on my writing)and if you, my special readers, click them (no purchasing or anything necessary), I make money!

win- win- win situation there you see.

So click away... I know mom will :D

Thanks y'all!


Lauren W said...

ummm - an ad for no pain vasectomies? did i miss a post or something?!?!

Jo-Anne& Rugger said...

You know me way to well. but dose it work if I just keep loging on?

Anonymous said...

How'd you do that