Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.

Is it just me? Or is everyone else not quite there this year? I mean it's less than a week away from Christmas and I'm not even close to being ready.

I said I would bake, so far I've done none of that (but have big plans for that this weekend).

Christmas shopping? Uh, no. Not done yet. Not even started (ok, maybe a small gift was bought but that doesn't count). Thing is, I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I'm so used to stressed out mall shopping and knowing what I want to buy and where to buy it. Here, well malls are few and far in between (not to mention I get confused by even the simplest directions here), so it leaves me driving to stores that I assume has what I want, but only to be disappointed when it's not there.

It also seems to me that it's just not in the air. You know the Christmas feeling? I know, it's probably commercially created and it may be pathetic to some that I've come to rely on the commercialism to indicate the holiday season, but I just don't feel it.

Or maybe it's because I'm not where I know what Christmas is. I'm used to certain things, you know. I'm used to cutting down a tree with the family while singing Christmas carols and dodging tree stumps. Then going home and decorating that tree with Christmas cartoons playing in the background.

Baking isn't solitary and trying to find ingredients for shortbread or gingerbread isn't a task that is near impossible.

I'm used to new pajamas's on Christmas eve and waking up to open presents followed by breakfast with the family. Then heading to Nonna's to watch fake fires on TV and the mystery Christmas gift exchange.

It's all relative, I know. I'm in a different place from those that I know and that's what I want. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Maybe it's just another barrier in language and culture. Maybe I'm just stressing because it's a week away and I'm need more time.

Whatever it is, I need Christmas spirit.

(although I am very, very excited about my trip to Berlin in one week!)


Anonymous said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS JEN!!!! I'm sending Christmas spirit your way...maybe try listening to Dominique the Donkey and dance around the kitchen? Trust me...when you get your gift, you will be in the Christmas spirit! La la la, la-la la-la la-la...he's Dominque the Donkey...

Jo-Anne& Rugger said...

Yes But what you realy miss is the threat of karaty chopping to
protecet the tree that we just chopped down, after David made us look like we have a special need person with his hat.So enjoy tha diffrences for this to you will remember foundly.We love and miss you.
Love Mom

Lauren W said...

i hear ya... christmas spirit is lacking over here as well (and by here i mean w/ me not in vancouver b/c it looks like we're going to have a white christmas...a freezing, nose-numbing christmas, but white none-the-less)