Pictures? You betcha… but first let me ramble.

A few odd thoughts from me first:

-On the train into Vicenza, just as you leave Schio there is a house that is painted to look camouflaged. I keep trying to take pictures but we move too fast. But it’s camo’d up too look… well I don’t know. Problem is, I still see it. Is the desired effect not irrelevant then? Why would one paint their house camo anyways? Is there some weird need to stay hidden that I should know about? Point is… the house looks ugly (odd, since most houses here look good no matter what they’re painted just because I love the styles) and I can still see it. I just don’t get it.

-So I was out of the loop in regards to news and such, especially hometown news since it is Italy and we could probably care less with what’s happening in Vancouver. Nor do we care about hockey, although I have been told I may be able to see a few games here at some point. But I thought about my question yesterday about Luongo as captain and decided that being a son of an Italian immigrant and having the looks and last name of an Italian, this can only mean the Canucks will win the cup this year. Trust.
(btw, I’m so aware of how that all sounded, but what do you expect, I’m in Italy)

-It’s raining here today, apparently our weather is linked to Vancouver somehow. I’ve heard it was sunny there while it was here, when it started raining there today, so did it here.

-Is anyone else out there happy to know that Jen in Italy still talks about the weather as much as in Canada? Sadly I don’t have the same access to so I can’t be my obsessive compulsive self about pictures.

Finally… I got the pictures downloaded in one place. I was trying to do it on my ipod to Facebook yesterday but I don’t like how that was working out, so today I finally downloaded them there and have a link for people to see. You don’t need an account to look at the pictures (just to comment), so click the link to see the small amount that I have so far (sorry, I haven’t taken many because I haven’t ventured that far
out of Schio).


Jo-Anne& Rugger said...

love the pictures. Need more of you. As for hocky, I like the reason for the canucks to go all the way, But I have a better reson, You know what it is. Yes that certon someone is no longer with them(TL). I will stand by that.