From the mind of Christian…

Italian TV, like I’m sure everywhere else, is showing a lot of US election coverage (Canadian, not so much… what day is it again? And may I make this plea for all my fellow Canadians not to vote for Harper. Please?). The other day we were discussing the candidates when Christian asked me who I would vote for and of course I said Obama. He then started talking about McCain and asked Livi and I if he was related to the same McCain’s who have the french fry company.

We tried to explain that it was just a common last name in North America, like Smith or Johnson and we weren’t sure if he was related to those McCain’s.

Cut to Saturday night when I went out with Christian and his friends. We were all in the car and I was listening to them talk, I then heard Christian bring up the election. He now refers to the candidates as “Obama” and “Potato.”

I don’t think I could have said it better myself.

Heaven help us if they elect a potato for a president.

PS: How is this for sexist? As we were driving yesterday I sat in the car with 4 guys. I couldn’t understand a word of the conversation except they peppered their speech with “dio cane” every other word (for those unaware, this literally means that God is a dog). So I started laughing and making fun of them, apparently they were all horrified when I said the words (over and over actually to make my point). They informed me that woman cannot say this, but only men. When we got home later that night I asked my aunt about it, she was mad I even said it when explaining it, because yes, women do not say it, she also said she never hears Christian say it… although I hear it all the time around the house from him and Meraldo (evidently in such a Catholic country as we have hear that comparing god to anything else is horrifying, even though I argue that none of us are exactly upstanding catholics). Apparently at home she says Christian says “Zio Cane”. He’s calling one of his uncles a dog… I wonder how they feel about that?


Jo-Anne& Rugger said...

I have a thought, may be you could start some thing new like OH MIO DEO ( oh my god) first take part of your meal home from a resturant, now this. Will Italy be the same after you are through with it. Ceaser, Cleapatra and Jen.