If only it were that easy

Quick note on a conversation with Nonna recently. We called her to see how things were and after she spoke to Livi (in what sounded like a mix of both English and Italian) I got on the phone with her. The conversation went as follows (or at least the first minute)…

Jen: Hi Nonna, how are you?
Nonna: String of words in Italian dialect that was inexplicable to me.

When Nonna realized that I wasn’t really catching on to what she was saying she started to question why I hadn’t learned the language yet (never mind the fact that she was speaking dialect, something I swear I’ll never get used to). Apparently I should have had the language mastered at this point, it didn’t occur to her that last week I wasn’t able to respond in Italian either.

If only it were that easy huh? Learn the whole language in a month. Does she know something that I don’t? Should I be drinking more of the water here rather than the bottled stuff all the time? Is that the secret to learning it, through osmosis?

I’m trying Nonna, I’m trying… here’s hoping someday I’ll get this crazy language mastered. (Yes, I realize she wont be reading that but I wanted to share my funny experience).