Mi Chiamo Jenny

Apparently in Italy, I’m Jenny, much to my disdain. Sigh. After all my years of fighting it just a little over two weeks in I’ve given up the good fight.

Here’s what I’ve gathered. Italian names almost always end with a vowel. Females have the “a” or “e” sound (i.e. Elena or Sonia) and males have the “o” sound generally (i.e. Antonio or Gino). Having no vowel sound often confuses the Italian speaker, especially when I give them such a short name like Jen. After introducing myself as Jen countless times I tried to change it to Jennifer, but still, I refer to myself as Jen (and no, I have not developed a habit of referring to myself in the third person, although wouldn’t that be fun?). Anyways, if I introduce myself as Jen I find that most people automatically add the “ie” sound by themselves and call me Jenny. Therefore I’ve given up, since it’s ingrained in their language and something that I just can’t be bothered to fight. I know, me giving up on an argument… I’m as shocked as you are.

I do take pleasure in this one thought, here I am one of the only Jen’s among the many Valentina’s, Elisa’s and Alessandro’s, which in my short time I have found to be some of the most common names here.

But don’t be mistaken, this doesn’t mean I’m giving everyone else the freedom to call me Jenny, if you don’t speak Italian and call me Jenny, the usual consequences apply ;)


Lauren W said...

you could always go by jenna (or is that worse?)

Jen said...

much better... I like your thinking wells

Recity said...